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Cosmic Karma Cleansing

with Dawn of The New Era

  • Ended
  • 55 US dollars
  • South Walnut Street

Service Description

The afternoon ritual will begin with a Peruvian Egg Cleanse: An ancient South American process that pulls old ancestral and energetic debris from your auric field and body; typically going much deeper than traditional smudging to clear traumatic events such as surgeries, car wrecks, toxic relationships, etc. that can often leave residual signatures in your field. You’ll find yourself nested in the cosmic womb where we’ll then begin the rebirth ritual to reprogram your subconscious mind, reminding you of your true nature of wholeness and that you are deeply wanted at this time on Earth. Throughout this journey, we’ll be enveloped in the true love frequencies of ascended master Mother Mary. Our ceremony closes with the purification of fire, setting intentions for your next chapter.

Cancellation Policy

Yoga Class Cancellation Policy: You are responsible for removing yourself from a yoga class, and have the availability to do so up until 60 minutes before class start time, there will be no refunds issued for no-call/no-show. There are no refunds for class packages, workshops and events at this time.

Contact Details

  • 125 South Walnut Street, Yellow Springs, OH, USA

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